الخميس، 30 أبريل 2009

Indeed you, son of adam

Indeed you, son of Adam

- When you generate a non-authorized prayers .. When you die, pray not adhaan ..
- when they generate do not know who Okrjk of your mother's womb .. When the die is not aware of the Hmlk on the shoulder ..

- When I was born and wash clean .. When the die wash and clean ..
- When you generate them of your parents and your family .. When you die cry your parents and your family ..

O son of Adam, created from the dust .. Glory to you after the death of the intervention in the sand ..
- When I was in your mother's womb I was in a small space and the darkness .. When the die is in the narrow darkness ..

- When I was born a towel to cover you Estruk .. When the cloth in order to die Tkven Estruk ..
- When I was born and grew up asking people about your degree and your experiences .. And when they die Do not ask only for your good only .. What I prepared??

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