الاثنين، 6 يوليو 2009

Parity between the spouses

After a long period of time is to marry the couple discovers they are not suited to each and have no kind of closeness and equality, each living in a world of its own, despite the fact that the parity between the spouses is the first step and essential for a successful marriage, but many people do not know But it was too late, and the parity will be here at two levels, an objective which is common to talk about. and psychological self which remains hidden. The overall objective of equality in age, professional status, economic and educational level. These are elements of the triple objective of the possibility of establishing a marital relationship and a balanced life. Where to find the status of each of the spouses is not a reasonable cost prices moral, psychological or even physical cost. Otherwise, the likelihood of the emergence of conflict and contradictions, it is predominant. Valtkavw objective is to provide the elements of compromise and understanding. For example, if we take the age of the very important and a state of balance between the spouses age growing up together. Otherwise, situations may arise from the disparity in the needs, requirements and visions and directions. Such as what happens between husband and wife, a small elderly persons. While the husband had reached the stage of beginning to need is stability and caprices. The wife is still in the early stage of vitality and openness to the world and the need to satisfy their emotional and physical well-being. After the beginning stage and the concessions and incurred or joy comes the stage of profit and loss accounts of both parties. It seems each other in the eyes of an impediment to his life or the vain because of the varying requirements and needs. The record opens the power struggle and conflict, which is standing on the reactions to the frustrations resulting from the various non-concert-level needs and requirements. The authority of the husband's older and more able to carry on life, which was not disputed by the wife of a leak to have gradually weakened towards the heart of the heart of the roles and power relations. Occurs precisely when extinguished, emotional and drained, while the dialogue and interaction, responsiveness and convergence. The children suffer from this situation, which is not unusual to enter the status of the hidden fault marital cold war, where the older spouse is not available emotionally and mentally healthy, or even enough to the active interaction of the psychological. As well as in the case of equality of education. Determine the educational level of the horizon, in principle, the quality of vision and perception of self and existence. It also identifies the type of the concerns and relationships. One of the most prominent points of marital conflict is linked to those cases where one or another Bnzop driven by the reaction of some kind, whether sexual or in response to my frustration. However, the act remains the capricious fixes long-standing cross, even if it is not possible to write her life. After a period of enthusiasm soon show differences at the level of the small issues of everyday life. However, these may coalesce to become a major discrepancies. And then emerge a sense of injustice or mess with his head and double-risk encountered if the disparity of education with social inequality Here comes the question of standing in its full intensity after a time not Btaiwil. The social equity - is rich in economic research on the subject, where the table permanently, while the consideration of the composition of the marital ties here that the issue remains subject to many exceptions, if there is parity on the elements of other levels. If the enjoyment of the couple enough maturity and emotional compatibility and the ability to find appropriate solutions to problems and in particular of the success of the link, which provides psychological satisfaction and the presence of the parties. Parity is a psychological mental Rabat, a component of the success of the doubles, although he remains hidden in comparison with the emergence of substantive equality and the public. We are here in connection with many of the cases may be offset by the psychological differences of equality is substantive or exacerbated it. Limit ourselves here to refer to the equivalence relations on the level of the pattern of the parity in the level of psychological maturity has a separate talk. Many of the links involved in a conflict of marital status for those who control the other and to those who control and reference and highlights the conflict when one party domination inclined to express publicly, as is the case when some of the men or control Altl invisible, as is the case for some women while the other party to the relationship based on independence or equivalence. We conclude, therefore, say that the marital Rabat is far from the inertia and stereotypes, especially in contemporary life. It is a state of formation and the balance of permanent and periodic re-balancing in order to stabilize the new site during the re-definition of Alaiki for each of the spouses in different degrees of integration and variation at the same time.

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